Sunday 29 May 2016

Two door, which path leads to heaven?

You are standing before two doors. One of the path leads to heaven and the other one leads to hell.

There are two guardians, one by each door.
You know one of them always tells the truth and the other always lies, but you don’t know who is the honest one and who is the liar.

You can only ask one question to one of them in order to find the way to heaven.

What is the question?
"If I ask the other guard about which side leads to heaven, what would he answer?"

Let say path of heaven is 'Left' then...
Answer from the guard who always speaks truth... 'Right'.
Answer from the guard who always lie... 'Right'.

So you can get that hell is on Right side and heaven is in Left.  :D

If you ask "which side leads to heaven" then
Answer from the guard who always speaks truth... 'Left'.
Answer from the guard who always lie... 'Right'.


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